Learn more about the services that you can do online with I-DE with a few clicks away. We work every day to make things easier and simpler for you.Descubre todas las gestiones online que puedes hacer desde la web con i-DE y en muy pocos clics. Trabajamos día a día para ponértelo todo más fácil y sencillo.
Managing without needing to signing up
Discover all the features you can use without signing up that can be very helpful.
Connect to our electrical grid. Learn about the two types of connections to the i-DE network: as a consumer or as a self-consumer/energy producer.Conéctate a nuestra red eléctrica. Infórmate de los dos tipos de conexión a la red de i-DE: como consumidor o como autoconsumidor/productor de energía.
Register for electricity service
Changes in my Electricity Connection
Essencial Electric Supply
Self-consumption Types
Self-consumption Grid Connection
Self-Consumption Set-Up and Billing
Producers Grid Connection
Capacity Map
This map shows the maximum available generation connection capacity.
Access this page and choose the option to be able to know the information about the scheduled outages and faults in the i-DE gridAccede a esta página y elige la opción para poder conocer la información de los cortes programados y averías en la red de i-DE.
View Outages Map
Discover in a simple and fast way if there are outages or scheduled outages on the grid.
Know more about i-DE, the new energy models to adapt to new trends and what actions guarantee safety in our processes.Conoce que es i-DE, los nuevos modelos energéticos para adaptarnos a las nuevas tendencias y qué acciones garantizan la seguridad en nuestros procesos.
Company Overview
Our Commitments To You
Business Plan
i-DE’s investment plans
Digitalization and Innovation
Plain language
Electric Vehicles
Smart Cities
Local Energy Communities
Safety Grids
Our Assets
Report an Accident
New Rates
Discover how the new electricity rates affect you.
Know more about electric distribution: how it is distributed, infrastructures, what are grids and smart meters, and the legislation of the sector.Todo sobre la distribución eléctrica: cómo se distribuye, infraestructuras, qué son las redes y contadores inteligentes y la legislación del sector.
Electromagnetic fields
Components in the Electrical Grid
Redes Inteligentes
Grid codes
Smart Meters
The STAR Project, which involves replacing all analog meters for smart meters.
Discover the latest from i-DE in our News sectionDescubre lo último de i-DE en nuestra sección de Novedades.
Differences between distributor and retailer
Which of the two should you go to for management?
Cybersecurity tips
What types of scams and frauds exist and how to avoid them with good cybersecurity.
Private Area
GEA, Access and Connections
Online Payment
Distributors Map
Electric Power Calculator
Electric Supply
Energy Producers
I need to open a connection file
Outages Map
How to report an electric outage
Scheduled Power Cuts
What is the "ICP" and what is it for
Get to know us
New energy models
Safety and Prevention
How electrical energy is distributed
Smart Grids
Electrical Installations
Electricity sector legislation
Interruptor diferencial superinmunizado
Heat Pump: What It Is and How Many kWh It Consumes
Self-consumption code (CAU): what it is and who asks for it
Can they cut off the electricity without notice?
Simple barra es un tipo de subestación en la que todos los circuitos están conectados a una sola barra.