Capacity Map
This map shows the maximum available generation connection capacity at nodes with a voltage higher than 1 kV in the i-DE distribution network.
You can also check the map data at the following link: Capacity Map [PDF]
Date and time of publication of the PDF: 25/03/2025 at 15:31H
Click here to access the "Methodological Note 0*"
Nodes with 0 capacity*
These are nodes without available access capacity at the time of publication, but they could obtain it subject to the execution of certain types of reinforcement by the applicant, provided there are no other constraints, which will be individually verified throughout the access and connection process. These requirements can both condition the feasibility of the reinforcements and require additional adaptation or refurbishment work on installations.
The general types of reinforcement considered for the calculations to indicate nodes with 0* capacity are as follows:
Transformer reinforcement:
- The replacement of the existing transformer(s) that supply the voltage level where the 0* is located with new transformers of the maximum standardized power for the corresponding voltage level; or
- The implementation of one or more additional transformers in existing installations to supply the voltage level where the 0* is located.
Line reinforcement, which includes:
- The repowering of existing lines according to standardized conductor types or their reconstruction as multiple circuit lines; or
- The construction of new lines in cases where, due to their length, layout, topography, etc., their execution is considered viable.
Cases where there is a dependency on the Transmission Network Manager that may condition the feasibility of reinforcements in the distribution network (existing or planned Transmission Network positions within the approved Transmission Network plan) must be individually verified in the access and connection process.
In all cases, the solution will always be conditioned by the execution of the proposed reinforcements.
Historical capacity maps
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