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Remember that if you register in the Customer Area you will receive notifications by SMS and e-mail for breakdowns and scheduled outages.
*The dates of the scheduled work may be subject to change. To receive more up-to-date information on scheduled jobs, sign up for the service of notifications of breakdowns and scheduled jobs in the Customer Area and we will send you information on scheduled jobs 48 - 72 hours in advance by e-mail and SMS.
The information shown on this page is for informational purposes only.
The areas represented are indicative and may not exactly coincide with the areas affected by the incident.
The estimated replacement time refers to the total resolution of the service, despite so that the replacement of the service to affected customers can occur in stages.

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Discover what to do in case of a scheduled cut.
Why am I experiencing an outage but my neighbors do not?
If you are experiencing an outage and your neighbors aren’t, it’s probably because the ICP of your meter has tripped. This happens when the electrical appliances you have connected at that moment have required more power than you have contracted.
How to find out why I don’t have electricity?
You don’t have power because something might have happened to your electrical panel. Before accessing it, unplug some of the appliances that were connected to the network before the cut. If your meter is traditional, probably the ICP switch has tripped due to an excess of power and you just have to activate it again.
If your meter is smart, lower all the switches, wait a few seconds and raise them again. The internal ICP will automatically close and the service will return.
If the problem persists, we recommend that you contact a professional to solve it.
Is there an outage? Why?
Sometimes outages are due to incidents in the grid, discover in this video why you might not have power. Sometimes, we manage to resolve it automatically in a short time, and in other cases our technicians have to travel to repair them.
Why is there an electricity outage at my address?
If you are experiencing an outage at your address there may be incidents in your installation, breakdowns, or scheduled power cuts in our grid. Find out what it could be due to and what you can do when you don’t have electricity.
If you are suffering intermittent power cuts, please contact our agents at 900 171 171
How do I report a power outage?
In the event of a breakdown or power outage, the quickest and easiest way to check if there is a fault or scheduled outage that may be affecting you and to know the estimated time of service restoration, is to consult our Outage Map.